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College Lecture

Scholars Series After-Hours

Directly following the Live Scholars Series events (every Thursday in the AG auditorium), you may be brimming with ideas... or just barely untangling your thoughts. The After-Hours Sessions (from 5:30-6 pm right in the AG auditorium) invite you to stick around, unpack the lecture, and brainstorm your own ideas! Each session will focus on a particular skill that is not only key to the Colloquium, but also foundational to college-level critical thinking. A schedule of topics is listed below.

Teenage Students Raising Hands
Thursday, Aug. 26:
Susanna Goodin, "Plato's Cave"

After-Hours Session: Asking Good Questions

In this After-Hours Session, we will focus on how you generate strong questions about a famous (and perhaps intimidating!) text. 

Thursday, Sept. 2:
Tyler Fall, "Intro to Bhagavad-Gita"

After-Hours Session: Adding Your Own Voice

Professors expect you not only to understand a reading, but also to offer your own unique insights about it. Seem like a big ask? This session will help you find a foothold in interacting with texts.

Lecture Hall Tutor
Studying in a Library
Thursday, Sept 16: 
Matthew Gray, "History of Our Personal Dreams"

After-Hours Session: Synthe-what-now?

The first major essay of the class is called a "Synthesis Essay." What IS synthesis, you ask? Come to the After-Hours Session to talk about putting texts into conversation.

Thursday, Sept. 30:
Susan Aronstein "Baudrillard"

After-Hours Session:
Deciphering Hard Texts

It happens to all of us: You are assigned a reading that You. Just. Don't. Get. Don't sweat it though! This After-Hours Session gives you the lowdown on tacking dense, theoretical readings. 

Image by Siora Photography
Pro Boxing Gloves
Thursday, Oct. 21: 
Danny Dale, "Rovelli and Theoretical Physics" 

After-Hours Session: How (Not) to Win an Academic Argument  

Contrary to how it sounds, an "academic argument" isn't really a fight and no one is trying to win. But then what are we actually asking you to do? This After-Hours session addresses how to balance consensus and innovation in your own writing. 

Thursday, Nov. 4:
Marsha Knight, "Dance Interpretation of Midsummer"

Reception + Performance 

This Scholar Series (which meets at the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts, FYI!) won't have our usual After-Hours Session. Instead, stick around for food, activities, and community before the 7 pm performance (for which you get FREE TICKETS) 

Dance Performance
Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Thursday, Nov. 11:
Nicole Crawford, " Kindred, Art and Social Justice" 

After-Hours Session: Criticizing vs. Critical Thinking

We talk a big game about "critical thinking," but what does that actually mean? Do you have to criticize everything in order to sound smart? How do you talk intelligently about things you love? 

Thursday, Dec. 2:
Karagh Brummond, "The Brain" 

After-Hours Session: How to Use "I" in an Academic Paper

Contrary to what your high school English teacher may have told you, academic writers use "I" all the time.  But there's a trick to doing it well. This session tackles the balance between personal experience and academic voice. 

Writing Notes
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