For many Colloquium students, the Fall semester is their first time in college. And it can feel like culture shock! You have to navigate managing your own time, living with a weird roommate, mountains of homework, doing your laundry, going to all your classes... did I mention the weird roommate... it can feel totally overwhelming.
Lucky for you, though, you are not alone. Every year we see newbies arrive on campus and thrive. And our older students have tips for you! Check out this awesome month-by-month guide to your first semester of college, compiled by the LeaRN department here at UW, using the advice and perspectives of real students. This guide, called Making College Count covers topics like:
Managing your time and workload in college
Coping with homesickness
Finding scholarships
Creating a budget
Learning to live with weird roommates
And much much more!
And if you want to download the full PDF to keep forever, you can get it here.